With Master Jim Nance
Step into a new way of
looking at your life.
"I have gained a deeper understanding of my mind, body, emotions and spirit through the Guiding Qi sessions and find my compassion for others and myself growing as my heart opens. For me personally, the more I work with the concepts taught in Guiding Qi, the more I understand what is meant by the phrase “We are love at our core.”-Mike

"I am like a first grader the first day of class. I stand, both nervous and anxious, at the threshold of the doorway waiting for the class to begin. A large, warm hand reaches out and envelopes mine, a jovial laugh relaxes me, a radiant smile welcomes me. I step through the open door into a new world of wonder, magic, miracles, and infinite possibilities. I play, learn, laugh, expand, discover, and explore. I am a child again but I am also an ancient and wise soul awakening. This is the best way I can describe Master Jim Nance's Guiding Qi classes. I am grateful for and awed by the opportunities offered. It is a joy and a great privilege to participate in these classes." -Nancy
”Being in the Guiding Qi program with Master Nance has helped me to better understand qi, Qigong, and the importance and benefits of meditation. My meditations have become deeper and more meaningful. Working one-on-one with Master Nance has allowed me, in a safe and caring environment, to ask the questions that are pertinent to me and my journey. Thank you Master Nance for creating and sharing the Guiding Qi program.” Knk
“In following the process of Guiding Qi, one gains access to an internal source of guidance, a source that steams from the very Intelligence that animates all of life. My life has been transformed by such guidance, and the more intimate I become with this Intelligence the more effortless life becomes. I am very grateful to be engaging the process of Guiding Qi and look forward to seeing what this journey has in store”.- Otis